The faculty of journalism met the spring and celebrated the pancake week on February 22. This day, according to the folk tradition, is called Lakomki. Son-in-law comes to his mother-in-law to eat pancakes, which she has cooked. The students also treated each other with pancakes, which they had cooked. Delicacies were on any taste. Everyone tried to taste all the treats and praise his friend’s culinary skills.
An occasion for celebration has become not only the Pancake week. The 2 course girls have congratulated all men of the faculty with the Defender of the Fatherland day. They showed a small scene in style of the 20-ies Chicago, read poems with all their soul, sang a song and danced. The highlight of the program were humorous, but sometimes philosophical stories «About myself», which had been written on the eve by the boys. Girls had to guess, who the author was. As it turned out, boys of the faculty of journalism are the most different and the best! One is like the «chocolate bar with liquor», the other wants to write a fantasy novel, the third shared his first impressions of the hockey play, etc.
The box with Valentines was opened at the end of the celebration. The one who had got the greater number of love confessions, was presented a chocolate in a shape of heart. At the end scarecrow of the Pancake week was burned merrily with the songs. So the spring came to the faculty of journalism! —
Shibina Valeria
Translated by a fourth-year student Natalia Dombrovskaya, Faculty of Foreign Languages and International Communication, 41 group.
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