Faculty Address:
7, ul. Third Vladimirskaya, Moscow
Phone: (495) 672-0490
Email: filfakmggu@mail.ru
Annually in the Language and Literature Faculty are held international and interregional scientific conferences:
1. — — — “Structure and Semantics of Units of Language”.
2. — — — “The Works of M.A. Sholokhov and World Literary Process”.
3. — — — “Russian Study of Literature in the XXI century”.
4. — — — “The Russian Language in the Communicative Field of the Contemporary World”.
In addition annually is held Student Scientific Conference on Linguistics and Study of Literature, and our students as well take part in the intercollegiate scientific conferences, the contests of scientific works and Olympiads of the Russian Language and Study of Literature. This work promotes the development of professional competence and labour market competitiveness.
In 2011 the conference “The Russian Language in the Communicative Field” developed into a forum. The 6th of June was announced The Day of the Russian Language by the decision of the Russian Federation’s Government. By celebration of this day SMSUH worked out the conception of holding the events dedicated to the Day of the Russian Language. The presentation of this conception took place at the last conference, which became a part of the international forum. Currently the Language and Literature Faculty is working out a complex of the events to celebrate the Day of the Russian Language and A.S. Pushkin’s birthday, with the participation of other Faculties of the University, as well as the teachers of regional schools of the Russian Federation.
On the results of the Forum the International community of linguists and philologists adopted the following resolution.
The Resolution of the Forum “The Russian Language in the Communicative Field of the Contemporary World”