Bachelor’s Degree Program


Our adress: building 4, 18 — Tashkentskaya street, Moscow

Our location: underground station “Vihino”, bus №337 to the station “School” or bus № 209 to the station “Supermarket”

Pnone number: (495) 647-4477 (доб. 34-71 и 34-72)




Faculty realizes staff training by the system:

  • Bachelor’s Degree Program
  • Master’s Degree Program
  • Postgraduate and Doctorate Studies

At the heart of educational model, realized on the Faculty is competency building approach which is based on such principles of organization and management as using the innovative forms and active methods of education, contextual method in teaching.

The Faculty rests on principle of educational continuity and gives the opportunity to get further vocational education in the sphere of special pedagogic and psychology.