Publish an article


Address: 109240, , Moscow, Verkhnyaya radishchevskaya street, D. 16-18, room 223,
from 09.30 to 17.30.
Phone: (495) 647-44-77, EXT. 1351.


Article requirements

Instructions for authors on submitting articles in Vestnik of Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities

The article must be original and not published before. It must include the results of scientific research of the author (group of authors).

The article must be sent in one Word file. Use your and your co-authors last names as a filename.

The “Author information” form must be attached to your article: last name, first name, patronymic (full form), academic degree, academic title (if you have one), position, place of work (if you have one), place of study and department (if you have one), phone number (it won’t be published in the article, it will only be used to get in touch with the author by the editors), E-mail.

Then comes the title of the article, the abstract (8-10 lines), and key words (no more than 10).

The summary in English must include all of the above described items.

The volume of articles must not be more than 30000 symbols including blank spaces (i.e. 16 typical printed pages).

Requirements for the electronic version of the article.

  • Microsoft Word editor
  • Type — Times New Roman-
  • Page format A4, size 14,
  • Left, right, top, bottom margins – at least 2.5 cm
  • Tables, figures and schemes should be black-and-white (clear, without small details, no background, hues or color elements)
  • Text without hyphenation
  • Line spacing – 1.5 cm
  • Justified alignment
  • Page number should be at the bottom in the centre of the page
  • Indentation – 1.25
  • References to literature sources should appear in the text in square brackets directly after the fragment of the text of the reference.
  • The list of literature is at the end of the article (it is included in the general volume of the article, in alphabetic order, first – literature in Russian, then foreign literature), according to the standards of 2008:


A review made by an external expert must be attached to the article (all the reviewers should be competent in the research theme of the article and have published works on the theme of the article within the last 3 years)

Editorial board also makes reviews. Articles will be published after their approval. In the case of refusal, the author will receive copies of reviews or motivated refusals, but the publishing house do not discuss it further.

Reference rules

The article must be sent by e-mail to the address: (Philology series ) (Pedagogy and Psychology series) (History and Politics series) (Social and ecological technologies series)