

Our adress: building 4, 18 — Tashkentskaya street, Moscow

Our location: underground station “Vihino”, bus №337 to the station “School” or bus № 209 to the station “Supermarket”


Pnone number: (495) 376-9611 from 11 to 20


Forms and terms of education: —
2 years
Branch of training: —
Master&#039-s Degree Program: —
Graduate‘s qualification : —
Master of biology
Admission tests: —
Biology (interview) , biology in a foreign language (interview )

Admission plan for 2014: budget —15 places, non-budget

Fee: 118 000 rub. a year

Master’s Degree — program «Neurobiology» is aimed at training of highly qualified specialists — competent and specialized in solving scientific and practical problems associated with the complex problems of interdisciplinary research of — neurobiological basis and mechanisms of communication, social adaptation and social rights, as well as features of psychogenetic training , career choices and lifestyle.

Theoretical training in neurobiology is made by the leading scientists of the Department of Brain Research FSBI «Scientific Center of Neurology» of Russian Medical Sciences Academy. Practical orientation of the program aims to study the neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms of successful teaching of children with disabilities and — using of psychophysiological methods of recording various components of emotional reactions.

Description of the program:
Master’s Degree program «Neurobiology» in SMSUH is:

  • The combination of fundamental theoretical training in neurobiology, possession of advanced instrumental biochemical, molecular -genetic and psychophysiological methods-
  • Since the beginning of study students take part in applied research projects in areas such as psychological testing, management, personnel management, security and neuromarketing, participate in grants of RFBR and RFH-
  • Possibility of co-authorship of scientific papers in Russian and international top-rated magazines, participation in international conferences.

Term -1

Term —2

Term -3

Term -4

Neurophysiology and GNI bases


Experimental neurobiology

Instrumental psychodiagnosis

Experimental psychology

Evolutionary biology and ethology

Mathematical statistics and analysis of experimental data

Polygraph Examiners and lie detection


Genetics of behavior and molecular biology


Clinical neurophysiology

Foreign language for special aims

Clinical psychology and psychiatry



Features of normal and pathological development

Eye tracking in cognitive researches

Protection of Master’s thesis

Cognitive psychology

Biochemical and molecular genetic methods —

курс по выбору


  • A wide range of research practices , introduction into the various methods of neurobiological research ( Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology , » Neurology Research Center » ,etc. )

Workshops, meetings:

  • Pavell Miloslavovich Balaban , prof. , Ph.D. ,» Neuroethology and biological bases of behavior»-
  • Zoya Aleksandrovna -Zorina , prof. , Ph.D. , a prominent Russian ethologist , head of the Laboratory of Physiology and Genetics, Department of biological behavior , » The behavior and higher mental functions as a result of evolution «
  • Stroganova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, prof. , Ph.D. , a leading Russian physiologist , head of Russia’s only center of magnetoencephalography » Neurobiological basis of autism «


Master’s degree in Biology ( Master’s Degree -Program » Neurobiology » )

Competence of graduates:

  • understanding of the biological bases of higher mental functions , individual characteristics and abilities-
  • familiarity with a wide range of neurocognitive research methods (eye tracking , biochemical, genetic, molecular biological , neuropsychological and psychometric methods)-
  • posession of -a collection of instrumental methods in the chosen sphere of specialization-
  • skills of analytical reviews , planning and organization of experimental psychological and neurobiological research , preparation of grant applications in neurobiology.

Contact information:
  • Varlamov Anton Alekseevich
  • +7 965 351 4469

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