Innovations and technologies in art education


Faculty Address:
12A, ul. Mikhailova, Moscow

Phone: (499) 171-8015

Forms and terms of education: —
2,5 years
Branch of training: —
Pedagogical education
Master&#039-s Degree Program: —
Innovations and technologies in art education
Graduate‘s qualification : —
Master of Pedagogical Education
Admission tests: —
Portfolio (interview)

Plan of acceptance for 2014: non-budget
Fee: 70000 a year

SMSUH Master’s Degree program «Innovations and technologies — in art education» is aimed at training of specialists competent in solving creative, scientific and applied problems associated with the implementation of modern art- pedagogical education.

Particular attention is paid to the development of computer technologies and creative skills required to implement e-learning, the creation of electronic educational resources, capable of creating original media content for different channels of communication, work in systems Moodle, X-Mind, etc.

Applicants to the master’s degree program should represent the main trends in the development of visual arts and art education at the present stage.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5
Innovations in art education
Technologies of — academic drawing
Visual culture and technologies in professional activities
Modern art technologies, — workshop
Protection of Master’s thesis
Methodology of creative thinking Technologies of academic painting Personal development and realization of creative potential Management of artistic and educational projects
English (for professional purposes) Mathematical modeling in creative composition Project activities in art education
Multimedia technologies in art education Professional data visualization technology Pedagogical marketing
Professional presentation of — vebfolio Art graphics Distance learning technologies
Basics of web design and site building in UCOZ system for teachers Modern educational technologies Interactive technologies in education
Creating of — interactive presentations 3D modeling technologies Computer animation and visual effects
Elective courses


  • Educational institutions and supplementary education ( School of Arts «Accord» , «Harmony » , Vrubel Art School, etc)-
  • nnovative platform (School № 91 , Institute of Art Education , Research Institute of Innovative strategies for the development of general education, Public Institute » Developmental education «)-
  • E-learning platforms (Moodle, Wiziq, network educational platform FIRO , Universarium , informational and communicational platform of Minobranaukia, etc).

Workshops, meetings:

  • Sokolova-Serbskaya L.A., PhD in Contemporary Art , professor, artist-designer , theorist and fashion historian , vice president of the League of professional image makers , topic: » Professional — image of teacher»-
  • Speranskiy K.A. , a member of the Russian Television Academy , cinematographer -director, the author of numerous projects in film, TV, show business and advertising, topic : » clipping thinking»-
  • Manin V.S., PhD in Contemporary Art , professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts , a member of the Association of Russian art , topic: «Modern Art «-
  • Lomov S.P. , Ed.D. , professor, Academician-secretary of the Russian Academy of Education ( RAe ) , topic: » Modern trends in art education «-
  • and others.


Master’s degree in pedagogical education ( Master’s Degree — program » Innovations and technologies — in art education «)

Competence of graduates :

  • willingness to use individual creative abilities for original solving of research problems-
  • ability to develop and implement methodological models , methods, technologies and techniques of teaching , analyze the results of the process of their using in educational institutions of various types-
  • willingness to use individual and group decision-making technologies in management of the educational institution , based on national and international experience —
  • willingness to design new educational content , technologies and specific teaching methods —
  • possession of professional knowledge visualization technologiesn — in the wide space-
  • ability to use modern information and communication technologies and media solutions for cultural and educational objectives-
  • ability to shape the artistic and cultural environment —
  • ability to manage artistic and educational projects .

Career prospects:

  • Teacher of full-time and — distance learning courses-
  • Teacher of education projects-
  • Teacher of visual arts-
  • Methodist-scenarists (e-learning)-
  • Methodist of distance learning-
  • Head of the Training Center-
  • Head of Educational Programs-
  • Sales manager of educational services-
  • Personal tutor.


  • Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Saint- Petersburg State Polytechnical University
  • Saratov State Technical University
  • Ural State Architectural Art Academy
  • Siberian Federal University
  • Russian Academy of Education ( RAE )
  • Union of Russian Artists
  • Moscow regional museum of folk arts and crafts
  • Moscow Design Museum
  • Universidade Aberta (Pt)
  • Teesside University (UK)
  • Aalto University (FI)

Contact information:
  • Fazylzyanova Guzaliya Ilgizovna
  • +7(985) 424-33-71

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