Факультет экологии и естественных наук

15 февраля 2012

The Fourth International Ecological Camp

The Fourth International ecological camp ‘The energy effectiveness and their alternative sources’ will take place in Berlin from the 30th of March till the 13th of April 2012. —
The main task of its members – young people from Russia and Germany – is to develop their own concepts of formation the future. -The members of this camp are going to carry out joint investigations, to discuss their own vision of the future in the branches of bionics, renewal energetics and biochemistry. By teaming up they will research the following objects: the nature development of an effective usage of energy during million years, energy effective moving processes, material-saving constructions and also resource-saving biochemical processes. On the basis of their analytical works, investigators will also develop the technical appliances and then test them. -The camp program foresees the implementation of trainings and seminars on the topic of ecology and the alternative sources of energy, the visit of several organizations and enterprises, the cultural program and some excursions. In the end of this event all the members will be granted with the particular certificates. —

Organizers of this event: Nonprofit partnership ‘The Moscow President Club’ (Moscow, Russia) and Association ‘The Europeanenergetic and ecological forum’ (Berlin, Germany) with the support of the Fond of Russian-German youth exchange.

The membership conditions are —here

You can download the application for a membership —here.

All the applications are accepted till the 20th of February on bgfmggu@mail.ru

-You can read —here -some reports about previous camps.

Translated by a fourth-year student Alexander Chernobaev, Faculty of Foreign Languages and International Communication.