General and computer linguistics


Faculty Address:
7, ul. Third Vladimirskaya, Moscow

Phone: (495) 672-0490

Forms and terms of education: —
2 года
Branch of training: —
Master&#039-s Degree Program: —
General and computer linguistics
Graduate‘s qualification : —
Master of linguistics
Head of the program:
Admission tests: —
linguistics of Russian language and foreign language (test)

Plan of acceptance for 2014: budget — 10 places, non-budget

Fee: 134000 a year

Master ‘s Degree program «General and computer linguistics» combines elements of two training areas — computer linguistics and general / typological linguistics.

Students master the basics of the most modern formal language models that allows to solve the full range of problems in modern computer linguistics — from synthesis and analysis of sounding speech to the machine translation and creation of ontology of the highest level.

Preparation with this program will allow graduates to continue academic career at any Russian -and / or foreign university , where research is conducted on theoretical and applied Linguistics.

Term -1 Term -2 Term -3 Term -4
Introduction to Linguistics
Mathematical methods in linguistic research
Automatic analysis and synthesis of natural language
Formal models of natural language
Introduction to Mathematics The general syntax Linguistic processor and parsing models Modern linguistic theories
Introduction to Linguistic Programming General morphology Linguistic semantics and computer lexicography Statistical and linguistic methods of parallel texts aligning
Foreign language (professional) (English) The mathematical theory of grammars Corpus linguistics: the formation of the training samples of linguistic structures for information-analytical systems and machine translation. — — — Protection of master’s degree thesis
Second foreign language

Practices and internship:

  • practice within the framework of research SMSUH projects on common, application and typological linguistics including joint projects with academic and industrial associations —
  • participation in workshops and master classes of conferences «Dialogue. Computer linguistics and intellectual technologies «-
  • Internship at the Institute of Informatic Problems-
  • Internship at the A.A.Harkevich Institute of Information Transmission Problems —
  • internships abroad : Mexico, Leiden , Germany, Czech Republic , Scandinavian countries – within the framework of the program ERASMUS +-
  • participation in the project for development of -the linguistic processor and dialogue systems for onboard equipment.

Workshops, meetings:

  • speechifications of the invited foreign and domestic experts of general and applied linguistics, information retrieval of Professor Igor Boguslavskiy ( Polytechnic University of Madrid ) , Professor Grigiriy Sidorov (National Polytechnic University , Mexico ) , Professor Jeffrey Haig (University of Bamberg )-
  • workshops and roundtable discussions on practical issues of computer linguistics — the competition of computer programs on machine translation , text markup , and etc.-
  • student participation in international summer schools in mathematics and linguistics, organized by the Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education .


Master’s Degree in Linguistics ( Master Degree Program » General and computer linguistics » )

Competence of graduates:

  • knowledge of the characteristics and the main stages of the information society , the main types of linguistic and textual structures , types of linguistic resources available on the Internet -as well as types of automatic word processing and basic methods used in them —
  • ability to analyze texts based on the properties of natural language by constructing representations of different linguistic levels ( with an emphasis on formal grammatical representations ) , the ability to work with structure and content of the text —
  • ability to work with automatic text processing and linguistic resources freely available on the Internet-
  • skills of development — linguistic — component of information systems.


  • Laboratory of Computer Linguistics and Cognitive Technologies, Institute for Information Transmission Problems
  • Company ABBYY, Yandex
  • NGO «Android technology»
  • Institute for Information Transmission Problems
  • Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
  • National Polytechnic University of Mexico, Mexico City
  • University of Bamberg —

Contact information:
  • Astakhova Tamara Sergeevna
  • +7 (915) 187-03-46

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