Pages of history

Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities was founded as Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute (MSCPI) by decree of Council of Ministers of the USSR on April 28, 1951, signed by I. Stalin and the subsequent order of the RSFSR Council of Ministers on 3 May 1951 and the order of the Minister of Education of the RSFSR of 18 May 1951 at the Central Branch of the oldest pedagogical institution of Russia — Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin. The historical predecessors were Moscow Higher Women’s Courses (MHWK) which were opened in 1872 by Professor V. Gerie.

Rich descent largely determined the fate of university. MSCPI opened a new page of higher pedagogical education, taking over the mission of — Methodological Center of correspondence education in the country. Its first students were demobilized war participants and young teachers, whose education was interrupted by the war.

MSCPI — MSOPI– MSOPU –now our University’s name is SMSUH!
Years of working experience have allowed the team of MSCPI to demonstrate high mobility and receptivity to innovation, reflecting the new social needs in the preparation of highly skilled personnel and the development of modern humane technology. It caused renaming of MSCPI in 1992 into Moscow State Open Pedagogical Institute (MSOPU), and from January 10, 1995 higher education institution received the status of the University and also the new name — Moscow State Open Pedagogical University (MSOPU). On 16 of May 2000 MSOPU was named after Nobel Prize winner Mikhail Sholokhov by Moscow govermental order.
On October 19, 2006 University was renamed Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities.
Now the University has 13 faculties, which provide training for 60 specialities and areas of training (Bachelor’s degree programme and Master’s degree programme).

The university has developed its own system for training of candidates and doctors of science. Thus, the University has provided postgraduate studies since 1962 (41 post-graduate specialties), and since 1995 — doctorate studies (7 specialties). The university has seven dissertation councils. It also has research centers — the Center of Distance Learning — (CDL), — the Centre of — Environment Education (CEE), Sholokhov Center, Institute of Informatization of Education — IINO, etc. Scientific schools of University in the area of environmental science and speech correction earned worldwide recognition.

528 Agababov H. (1951-1961) 529 Deza V. Rector (1961-1966) 530 Vinogradov N. (1966-1985) 534 Nikitin V. (1985-1989) 533 Kruglov Y. (1989-2008)
