Famous Russian singer Sergey Penkin declares reception in the pop vocal class on directions of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree on -Faculty of culture and musical art.
On 5th of September in Assembly Hall of the Music School named after LV Beethoven Moscow’s heads of violin departments meeting was held. L.A. Rapatskaya ( Pr. Of performance depatbent after E.T. Chelbash) had a speech during meeting with information about developing new directions in correspondence course (bachelor and master’s degrees) on faculty of Culture and Music Art in our university.
Her speech attracted an interest among teachers of string instruments, who become interested in new master’s courses in aim to achieve second high music education.
The workshop of the Russian Honoured Artist, SMSUH art director Valery Miladovich Sutkin took place on June 10 on the Ploshchad Revolyutsii.
Workshops, lections and a concert of a SMSUH Faculty of culture and music arts lecturer Pavlova Maria Aleksandrovna — took place from May,25 to June, 3, 2013 in the University of Dezhou, China.
Workshops of the solo academic singing, lectures and a concert with permanent full-house took place in the concert-hall of the Dezhou University.
Master-class of Russian Honoured Artist Valeriy Miladovich Sutkin will take place on April 21, 2013 in the assembly hall of “Ryazanka” building. — Beginning at 14.00. We invite everybody!
Presentation of the book “History of Russian music from the earlier days to the Silver age” written by professor Rapatskaya L.A. took place on April 1, 2013 on the Faculty of culture and music arts.
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