Institute for High-Hume Technologies in Social Computing


Открыта регистрация на -Четвертую Международную научно -практическую конференцию «Социальный компьютинг: Основы, Технологии развития, Социально-гуманитарные эффекты» (ISС-15), которая состоится 22-23 октября 2015 года. Узнать подробнее

Стартовал набор в магистратуру по направлениям «Социология интернета» и «Интернет технологии в политике и управлении». Вся подробная информация доступна на сайте приемной комиссии —

27 December 2014

The final lesson of «School for Political Technologies»

On the 15th of December 2014, the final lesson of «School for Political Technologies of V.V. Perevozchikov” in the current semester was carried out in the building of SMSUH on the metro station “Taganskaya”.

If the previous forms of work with the audience wore format of lectures, discussions, games, Q&amp-A form, the final lesson was organized in the concept of feedback in a creative way. In the beginning of the classes the presenter Valentin Dobrynin, a member of the educational team of Vladimir Perevozchikov, welcomed the participants and announced that today after the meeting the pass-fail exam will be marked up. This form of control will give students the right to attend school next semester.

The lesson was organized in the following way:
1) Themes. Three themes were announced:
A. «The general and special of Maidan in Kiev and «the — revolution of umbrellas in Hong Kong»-
B. «Organization of Informative election campaign of self-nominated candidate who is running for the post of head of Naro-Fominsk district»-
C. «Development of the plan of the election campaign of the candidate to the Council of Deputies of the municipality «Ozyrki» from the Communist Party.»
2) Teams. Participants were divided into working groups. A total of three teams.
3) 45 minutes. Each team got drawing paper and crayons to work with. Within 45 minutes the teams had to answer the question of their theme and represent the concept on Whatman paper. From each team the speakers presented the project.
4) Adjustments. Reports from groups (plenary session).
5) Criticism. Representatives of other teams, using the method of «outside point of view» could point out errors of the performing team and give valuable tips to improve their project. According to the results of the performances, all participants passed the fail-pass exam and were allowed to attend lessons in the second semester.
Valentin Dobrynin thanked the students of the «School for Political Technologies V.V. Perevozchikov» for fruitful work during the semester. Participants shook hands.
A: Valentin Michailovich, today the final classes of the school for political technologies in this semester has been carried out. What are the results?
Q: The students have also learned something and created something new. They have created projects, plans, concepts, described images. It is more important than to listen to the lecturer or the famous expert. I can know about the revolution, spaceships, but that gives nothing for my life. Knowledge can be divided into two types: knowledge «About» when you know that the object exists and knowledge «In» when you live in it, when you operate this knowledge and the knowledge works — that is more important. You’re not just a student, but an activist, creator.
A: What is the role of the school, what is the mission?
Q: I would answer the question in that way — it is the need for transmission of high-quality, proven knowledge from generation to generation, so that people were getting smarter, and not vice versa. Knowledge is being accumulated, but its quality is getting weaker and weaker. And the main mission, I think, consists in looking for the right approach, how to transfer these social and cultural experience and values, values and skills that have been accumulated by us. Finding new and effective ways to transfer and intensify the transmission — that’s the main mission.
A: Do you think that your mission has accomplished in the first semester?
Q: Today the last session has convinced me that we went the right way. We did follow the didactic direction, but the way of joint reflection. Co-reflection. Training activities were successfully combined with human communication. People visited “the knowledge”, not just learned «about» something, they co-reflected, expressed their opinions, asked questions, not only each other, but also themselves, some of the students even got rid of their complexes, which is also very important.
A: The school does not work for the first year. Are there any differences between the recruitment of the previous and this year?
Q: The current course is more experienced. They have already taken part in election campaigns, feel political strategies from «inside». They ask sharper questions, express their opinion more substantiated. I do not know where this course was recruited, but for me it is the most successful. It is one of the best. I would like to share information. These guys are sick with the same disease as me — they want to share. You say that under the rules time is over, but he continues speaking. It’s great! That is right.
A: Do you learn something from your students?
Q: Of course. A lot. This course made me even more respect younger students, and carefully listen to them. I can see how and what discoveries they make — very bright minds! Throughout the semester, I talked a lot, and at the last lesson, I listened more, and you know, it’s a very pleasant feeling.
A: How do you see the audience of the School after the course is carried out?
Q: Here they are — they are ready. These are independent people who are willing to share what they have. They find joy doing it. And I’m looking at them, too, I feel the joy — life is going on.

Translated by Stepanova Vera, the fifth course.