Institute for High-Hume Technologies in Social Computing


Открыта регистрация на -Четвертую Международную научно -практическую конференцию «Социальный компьютинг: Основы, Технологии развития, Социально-гуманитарные эффекты» (ISС-15), которая состоится 22-23 октября 2015 года. Узнать подробнее

Стартовал набор в магистратуру по направлениям «Социология интернета» и «Интернет технологии в политике и управлении». Вся подробная информация доступна на сайте приемной комиссии —

13 November 2014

Political Technologies 2014

The opening of “The school of Political Technologies of V. Perevozchikov” took place on November 5, 2014 in “Ryazanka” building.

The School of Political Technologies of the Institute of Political Science, Law and Social Development MSHU named after M.A. Sholokhov is a unique training base that promotes the formation of the professional competencies of young people who have decided to get into politics.

Famous scientists, working politicians, political technologists, experts in the sphere of consulting share the secrets of professional skills with the participants and help them develop skills in searching and reaching non-standard solutions on their lectures. All club meetings are based on the concept of «less theory, more practice”. The meetings are all interactive, making students of the ‘School’ competitive and demanded experts even in the period of their studies at the university.

The theme, which opened the new season of the School of Political Technologies, was devoted to the construction of campaign’s concept and the construction of the image of the policy / political party. During the first meeting, the participants were able to:
— — learn about the image components of a person and his ability to influence the success or failure of the candidate’s campaign-
— learn how to create the concept of the candidate’s campaign-
— familiarize themselves with the rules and methods of constructing the candidate image.

The next meeting of the «Training» on the previous subject will be held 20 November 2014 in the “Ryazanka” building. (Ryazansky prospekt d. 9) at 17:40 in the lecture room 110.

Translated by Kryuchkova Ann