Актуальное интервью

21 February 2011

What should we await of the coming year?

What has been done and what will be done – results of 2010 and perspectives of 2011.
What important happened in 2010 and why is 2011 so important for SMSUH? What was realized and what must be achieved from that aims which there are in strategy of university development?
V. D. Nechaev, Sholokhov MSUH rector, doctor of Politics answers these and other questions.
It is truth that 2010 was successful for us. SMSUH was one of hundred of the best Russian universities and one of twenty-five of the best Moscow universities on average points of — Universal State Exam which university entrants had. Good and clever university entrants believed in us. I think it is one of the most important achievements in 2010. University entrants are coming not only from Moscow and Moscow region but also from other Russian regions and from abroad. For example, there was only 6% university entrants not from Moscow in 2009 but in 2010 there was 36% such university entrants. Besides we are now receiving a hostel and give it mainly to masters and postgraduates. Therefore, they have consciously chosen this university.

Read the whole interview