

The 5th conference in the series
«Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters», TMP 2015
will be held in Moscow at the Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities and the Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
on 14–16 October 2015

The conference is organized by the Institute for Modern Linguistic Research, SMSUH and the Institute of Linguistics.

The priority will be given to paper proposals discussing the interaction of morphological and syntactic mechanisms, interfaces betwen syntax, prosody and information structure and showing the interplay of general, type-specific and language-specific morphological and syntactic features through the detailed analysis of world’s languages. Submissions will be rated by experts and selected by the Organizing Committee.

The Organizing Committee is planning thematic panels on clitics and word order, case marking, polypredicative constructions and diachronic typology.

As a special session of the conference “Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters 2015” the 3rd Conference on General, Nordic and Slavic linguistics for undergraduate and doctoral students (GeNSLing 2015) will be held on October 14–16 2014. Undergraduate and doctoral students may submit abstracts for both TMP 2015 and GeNSLing 2015, depending on the topic- one person may only submit one single-authored and one co-authored abstract.

The deadline for abstract submission is 29 June, 2015. Anonymous abstracts (not exceeding 2 pages, with 12 points font, 1,5 point spacing, all margins 2,5 cm) in DOC and PDF formats should be sent to the following email address: The author’s or authors’ first name, family name, affiliation, email and contact phone number should be specified in the body of the email, not in the text of the abstract.

The organizing committee: Peter Arkadiev (Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences / Russian State University for the Humanities / Institute for Modern Linguistic Research, SMSUH Moscow), Ekaterina Lyutikova (Lomonosov Moscow State University / Institute for Modern Linguistic Research, SMSUH Moscow), Yakov Testelets (Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences / Russian State University for the Humanities), Anton Zimmerling (Institute for Modern Linguistic Research, SMSUH Moscow / Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences)