Pedagogical education. Foreign language


Faculty Address:
59, ul. Krasnodarskaya, Moscow

Phone: (495) 358-3009

Forms and terms of education: —
4 years
Branch of training: —
Pedagogical education
Profile: —
Foreign language
Graduate‘s qualification : —
Bachelor of Pedagogics, teacher of two foreign languages
Admission tests: —
Russian(USE), Social Science(USE), Foreign Language (USE)

In the modern Russian society, strengthening the — international collaboration every year knowledge of foreign language acts as a — competitive advantage in the job marketplace. This in turn leads to an unusually high demand for qualified foreign language teachers who can lay a firm foundation of knowledge from the first form at school.

The admission plan for 2014: full-time, budget — 20 seats, extra budgetary -30 places.
Cost of training: 114 000 rubles per year.

Bachelor of pedagogics can carry out professional activities in the system of secondary , vocational and further education , performing the following professional activities :

  • Teaching activities —
  • Cultural and educational activities.

In training of — Bachelors of pedagogics SMSUH — focuses on the following professional competencies :

— The ability to use the language means to achieve communicative goals in the particular situation of communication in foreign language —
— The ability to build a strategy for oral and written communication in foreign language in accordance with the socio-cultural features of this language —
— readiness to apply advanced techniques and technologies — including informational for providing the quality of the educational process at a particular educational level of a particular educational institution.

You will learn to:

1) in the field of educational activities :

— organize educational activities in accordance with the basic principles of modern pedagogics-
— organize training and studying in the field of education using technologies appropriate to the age peculiarities of students and reflect the specific subject area-
— organize the interaction with the public and educational organizations , children’s groups and parents to meet the challenges in their professional activities .

2) in the field of cultural and educational activities :

— study and form the needs of children and adults in the cultural and educational activities —
— organize cultural space —
— develop and implement cultural and educational programs for different social groups.

Distinctive features of the training of Bachelors of Pedagogical Education in SMSUH — are practical orientation of — training , studying of — two foreign languages from the first course , an invitation of foreign lecturers and trainers, the widespread use of information and communication technologies.

Students pass the course » Life Navigation» — a unique innovative course designed to develop in SMSUH students universal social competence (initiativeness , acceptance of responsibility , result orientation , communication skills , self-discipline , the ability to influence others , the ability to align the interests and others) , which are necessary for the successful implementation of a professional career in the future.

Contact information:
  • Mokrushina Natalya Yurievna
  • 8 (495) 352-1109

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