Faculty Address:
12A, ul. Mikhailova, Moscow
Phone: (499) 171-8015
E-mail: fdivi2011@mail.ru
Students’ recruitment is continuing to design robotics. The project involves visits to company, immersion in the processes of production, robotics, and learning 3D max.
Curator of the project: docent of the Department of Design, Deputy Dean of the faculty of Design and visual arts, and a Member of the Creative Union of artists of Russia and the International Federation of Artists, member of the Union of designers of Russia — Shelestov Evgeniya Sergeevna. —
E-mail: shelestova.des@gmail.com
Requirements: highly motivated, confident skills of drawing, sketching, sense creation, 3D max, ability to work in a team.
If you want to participate in the project connect with the curator
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