Moscow-Lvov-Tysovets (Carpathians)-Lvov-Moscow
The 19th of February, the 1st day.
At 10.40 a.m. we came down from Lvovsky railway station and immediately set out for the bus excursion to see the sights . Lvov charmed us by its unique western architecture.
The 20th of February, the 3rd day.
Immediately, after the breakfast, we set out for a walk around the city, but not for the bus trip. Thanks to this walk, we were able to learn better not only the art of the XIY – XIX centuries, but also to get in touch with local people, who treat the Moscovites differently, as it`s said.
The 23rd of February, the 5th day.
After our healthy breakfast we have taken all necessary equipment and came to the flank of hills, where the instructors on ski and snowboards have already been waiting for us. We had to learn a lot of new features and things, amazingly: students and organizers – everybody was wearing a gym suit and skis, along the hillside, and followed the instructor. It was an amazing show!
The 24th and 25th overflew like through a mist:
Our “sportsmen” were perfecting their skills on the hill, breaking only for lunch. Someone was climbing down indecisively, someone fell again and again, while others were rising up over and over.
The 26th of February, the 8th day.
Immediately, after breakfast, the quickest students set out for a rock professional peak, with its length of 1 km and 200 meters.
The 27th of February, the 9th day.
The morning was tremendous: the sun was shining, it was warm, and there was a feeling of the spring. Then Salnikova Tatyana (faculty of journalism) suggested taking this warm and feeling with us, to Moscow! After breakfast, the sportsmen gathered together and played football, while after lunch our buses went back from Carpathians to Lvov.
The 28th of February. It`s time to return home.
At 4.28 a.m. our long-awaited train finally started off to — Moscow. All of us had mixed feelings: on the one hand – everybody missed the relatives and the university, but on the other hand – we didn’t wish to leave.
Savitskaya Victoria
The 1st course of the faculty of journalism. —
Translated by a post-graduate Natalia Chislova. — — — —
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