Project Management — effective sales


Faculty Address:
9, Ryazanskiy avenue, Moscow

How to get there:
— Metro station Marksistskaya, trolleybus number 63, 16, to the station «Karacharovo»
— from Kursky railway station to the stop «Karacharovo», 2 minutes on foot

Phone: (499) 171-0626

Forms and terms of education: —
2,5 years
Branch of training: —
Master&#039-s Degree Program: —
Project Management — effective sales
Graduate‘s qualification : —
Master of Management
Admission tests: —
Basis of managment (interview)

The main objective of the Master’s program «Project management — effective sales» is a personal and professional success through a process of purposeful design and integration competencies soft skills, that are necessary for project management and sales effectiveness.

Plan of acceptance for 2014: non-budget
Fee: 60000 a year

The main objective of the Master’s program «Project management — effective sales» is a personal and professional success through a process of purposeful design and integration competencies soft skills, that are necessary for project management and sales effectiveness.

Master’s program «Project management — effective sales» in Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities is the development of skills such as:

  • Project vision-
  • The ability of team working-
  • Communication skills-
  • The economic way of thinking-
  • The ability of studying-
  • The ability of working with some information etc.

The modular structure of training (method) is based on a progressive entrepreneurial designer. The main principles of the educational process:

  • Reliance on student self-determination (key technology — career management, focus on different types of careers, emphasis on independent work)
  • Nonlinearity (individual educational trajectories)
  • Practical orientation (competence approach, the reliance on the methods of forming practical skills: individual and group projects, training, mentoring)
  • The openness (maximum utilization of public electronic databases and e-learning technologies, object navigation)
  • Context (using the potential of the informal training of internal and external learning environments)

Practical trainings

  • Organizational and management — in commercial companies and commercial projects of the university
  • Scientific and research: — participation in grants and projects
  • Pedagogical: master classes and business seminars conducting within the projects of high school, working with the team as a leader and organizer of events

Master classes and meetings

  • Roman Tomkiv (head of the sales department Rosgosstrah)
  • Vladimir YAKKUBA (one of the best recruiters of Russia)
  • Bari Alibasov (producer, business coach)
  • Tigran Gasparyan (chairman of the bank TOP30)


Degree certificate of Master of Management (Master’s program «Project management — effective sales»)
Graduate’s skills set:

  • Skills of effective motivation and confidence in success
  • Skills of conducting negotiation of any complexity and executive level
  • The ability to dispose the interlocutor, to analyze the individual characteristics of the client and act in the course of negotiations with the context and individual characteristics, to keep the «red line» of negotiations, prepare for negotiations, to accumulate effective arguments and solutions
  • The ability to formalize your ideas into effective proposals
  • The ability to work effectively with customer objections
  • Skills of telephone conversations
  • Skills to overcome discomfort when dealing with status person
  • The skills of self-presentation
  • Skills of an effective presentation of the product and the company
  • Skills assessment of of customer`s — satisfaction
  • Skills of the development and implementation of the program regular customersholding
  • Skills ofexpert position formation — in negotiations with the client (the position of an independent consultant, helping to build a trusting relationship with the customer) —
  • The experience of the entire cycle of the sales process


  • Tom Hunt – human resources company —
  • JSC «Rosgosstrax»
  • MDM Bank
  • Eco — Invest Bank
  • JSC «Russian Railways»
  • KIA Motors
  • Lego Education
  • DHL

Contact information:
  • Puchkova Elena Borisovna
  • +7(903)2934656

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