June 4, at 14:00 the academic talk and seminar delivered by prof. Radina N.K is to be held as part of the international scientific programme of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS) Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities
Moderator: Radina N.K, Ph.D. in Political Science, Professor of Social Psychology
National Research University — Higher School of Economics — Nizhny Novgorod
Gender studies and Biopolitics have a number of common issues of research, including the reproductive capabilities of men and women. At the heart of the seminar «Practical Biopolitics: provincial townspeople strategies of resistance the official ideology of gender relations (based on the autobiographies)» there is a study, based on biographical interviews of men and women from 20 to 70 years old of age (Russian small towns residents). This material serves as the basis for the analysis of the ways men and women are building their «life story», of what they consider important to mention and what they are silent about as to resist the gender stereotypes imposed. The seminar in the context of «practical Biopolitics» will problematize the official ideology of modern Russia in the field of gender relations that defines a specific set of social scenarios for men and women. The use of IT-technologies in the processing of interview texts allows to justify the response to the question of who in reality retains the «traditional way» and supports the patriarchal gender roles in provincial Russia, also who, how and why changes gender order.
Head of ethno-gender research department N.N. Miklukho-Macklay Ethnology and Anthropology Institute the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The Seminar takes place in the framework of RIAS International grant program Sholokhov University 2014-2015.
More information on research grants in 2015-2016 RIAS Sholokhov University is to be found here: http://ipgit.mggu-sh.ru/institut/competition-entries/call-for-applicants…
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Содержание сайта носит информационный характер. Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Московский государственный гуманитарный университет имени М.А. Шолохова» 12.10.2015 г. прекратило деятельность в результате реорганизации в форме присоединения к федеральному государственному бюджетному образовательному учреждению высшего профессионального образования «Московский педагогический государственный университет».