Seliger- 2010

In 2010 – specially for —All-Russian Youth educational forum ‘’Seliger 2010’’ -specialists from Sholokhov -Moscow State University for the Humanities -developed a new set of lectures about the modern world and its urgent geopolitical economic -trends . The content -of this academic year gives -an answer to our -painful -and ambiguous problems which concern different fields of Russian development and the place of Russia in the modern world.

Independent set of lectures – which were -lead by teachers of Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities – continued -very popular academic year of 2009 (‘’project design’’) . It was aimed for those who work in the sphere of young people’s -issues ( in the Russian Federation).

A large scale research was made (also by specialists of our university) – in the sphere of youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Special feature of the educational program 2010 was in new —innovative course ‘’Life navigation’’. -It was very popular due to the fact that participants of the forum were able to make poly-graphological test which was designed to help evade -misleading situations , self-deception while determining your life’s priorities. —

During all shifts the representative center of Sholokhov Moscow State University -for the Humanities was opened. Every participant was able to get full information concerning university activities, specialties , faculties , university departments , privileged sectors of scientific research , student life and rules of admission to the university.