Special psychology and special pedagogic


Our adress: building 4, 18 — Tashkentskaya street, Moscow

Our location: underground station “Vihino”, bus №337 to the station “School” or bus № 209 to the station “Supermarket”

Pnone number: (495) 647-4477 (доб. 34-71 и 34-72)

E-mail: mggudef@mail.ru

Forms and terms of education: —
4 years
Branch of training: —
Psychological and pedagogical education
Profile: —
Special psychology and special education
Graduate‘s qualification : —
Bachelor of psychological and pedagogical education
Admission tests: —
Russian language (USE), Biology (USE), Social science (USE) for the applicants having secondary education on full term of training.

Sphere of professional activity: education (general, special, inclusive)- social services- health. Objects of professional activity: education- upbringing- individual personal development of students- health of students- psycho-pedagogical and social support of students, teachers and parents in educational institutions of various types and kinds- socialization. Types of professional activity: psychological and pedagogical support of preschool, general, secondary and vocational education- psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in special and inclusive education.

The admission plan for 2014: budget — 15 seats, extra budgetary.
Training cost: 100 000 rubles per year.

Bachelors study the following general professional and special disciplines: History. Philosophy. A foreign language. Russian language and speech culture. Culture and intercultural interaction in the modern world. Mathematics. Modern information technologies. Anatomy and age physiology. Basics of pediatrics and hygiene. General and experimental psychology. Theory of teaching and education. History of pedagogics and education. Multicultural education. Social psychology. Developmental psychology. Clinical psychology of children and adolescents. Age anatomy and physiology. Pathology of organs of hearing, speech and vision. Neurophysiology and higher nervous activity. Neuropathology. Psychopathology. Special pedagogics. Special psychology. Russian language with basics of linguistics. Literature with — basics of literary criticism. Psychological-pedagogical diagnostics of development of persons with disabilities. Obseneties aspects of studying in special education institutions. Clinic intellectual violations. Special psychology. Special (correctional) education. Training methodology. Verbal and nonverbal means of communication. Methodology of development of auditory perception in persons with hearing impairments. Methodology of teaching pronunciation of hearing impaired children. Methods of speech development of persons with hearing impairment. Methodology of development of the spatial orientation of children with visual impairments. The development of visual perception in children with visual impairments. Methodology of development of speech and motor areas of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Complex sensory and intellectual impairments. Psychological technologies of diagnostics of children with disabilities. Psycho-correctional work with children.

In preparation of Bachelors in SMSUH special attention is given to subjects, aimed at graduates could be well guided in various life situations, ability to plan their professional career.

Focus on this training in the fundamentals of management, professional communications, social and economic organization of the modern Russian society, modern business etiquette, leadership and team building, vital navigation.
Much attention is paid to the development of design thinking, and not only in the decision of design problems in various fields of special education, but also to overcome any problem situations — and this is one of the advantages of our graduates.

The status of defectological faculty graduate of SMSUH — is confirmed by the high level of professional skills, special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, acquired according to the author programs, so graduates are in demand in the labour market.

The graduates can continue their education and improve their professional skills in a magistracy on a direction of preparation «Special (defectology) education».
Cooperation with the Russian society of deaf people, Russian non-commercial partnership “Commonwealth of medical-pedagogical and social-therapeutic organizations and other professional associations is the peculiarity of our educational programs.”

Industrial practice of defectological faculty students — is held in pre-school institutions of compensating type, in special (correctional) general educational schools, in medical establishments of Moscow and the Moscow region.
The achievements of students and graduates of defectological faculty confirmed by numerous diplomas, the titles «Teacher of the year»awards of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, recognized on an international level.

The Faculty address: 18, Tashkentskaya Street,Moscow.

Traffic way: From “Kuzminki” underground station – the buses -99, 143, 169, minibus taxi -332m, 337m to the “School” station- From “Vykhino” underground station – the bus 209 to the department store “Universam” station, the bus 169, minibus taxi -337m to the “School” station.

Contact information:
  • Volkovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
  • (495) 647-4477, *1 (add. 3573)
  • ksp_deffak_mggu@mail.ru

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